3 Easy Steps to the
Job You Want
2nd Edition

By Malcolm Hornby
ISBN: 0-273-65245-1
December 2000
Financial Times / Division of Pearson Education
$27.50 Paper Original

Packed full of the practical, no-nonsense jobsearching guidance and career advice that made the previous edition so popular, this bestselling guide will help you: identify what makes you valuable to employers, set your own career and life goals, and develop techniques to get you the job you want.

This new edition includes invaluable tips on: using the internet to find the right job, approaching employers by e-mail, boosting your employability through electronic & IT skills, and making the right impression when you start your new job. It also has an expanded section on interviewing do's and don'ts.

From practical tips on how to write a CV and letters of application to personality profiling, preparing for assessment centres and planning presentations, this step-by-step workbook gives you all you need to build your own career plan and have the confidence to achieve your new found goals.

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